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FAQ & troubleshooting
Here you can find solutions to frequent user issues and questions
Users unable to register in the app
Google maps issue
Vehicle GPS issues
Blocked customers
IoT connection missing
Why doesn't the customer receive the SMS code during authorisation in the app?
Why can't a customer start their ride?
How to enable ID verification via Sumsub for your apps?
How to charge a customer with a debt on their wallet?
How to receive email notifications about SumSub ID verification events?
How to prevent customers from riding the vehicle longer than their wallet balance should allow them to?
OTP verification error codes
Why does the speed limit remain enforced outside of the speed limit zone?
Why don't I see the discounted vehicle icon in my mobile app?
How to change the description and screenshots for your app in App Store or Google Play?
Duplicate apps for other countries
Am I able to track my mobile app analytics?
Partial refunds for the rides
What to do if you cannot disable 2-factor authentication for your GMail account?
Can I delete IoT devices, vehicles and whole subaccounts if there's ride history present?
Can ATOM help me buy additional vehicles or resell some of my vehicles?
Migrating your ATOM apps between App Store and Google Play accounts
Custom Development Requirements