There are different reasons why a user may fail to register or log into the rider app.
Below, you will find a list of error codes and explanations that should help explain specific cases and advise customers on how to fix the problem and register or log in.
In some cases, you may need to reach out for further resolution either to your OTP provider or ATOM Mobility at
General error codes
1 - Extra token security is enabled, but the token is not received from the phone. Most probably, you can attribute this to a hacking attempt or the user has a very old app version installed;
2 - Token timestamp is more than 2 minutes old. Most probably, the phone time is not synced with the actual time;
3 - The device time is not in sync with the local time;
4 - The security hash algorithm is not the same. Most probably, you can attribute this to a hacking attempt;
5 - Extra token verification failed. Most probably, you can attribute this to a hacking attempt;
6 - The user is blocked in the dashboard;
7 - The user's phone number is blocked in the ATOM Mobility system
8 - Not able to detect the user's IP address;
9 - The limit for a specific IP address requesting an SMS code within 1 hour has been reached (the default is 10). If required, ATOM Mobility can increase this value to any other value (internal setting name - REQUEST_PHONE_CODE_IP_LIMIT_PER_HOUR);
10 - The limit for a specific phone requesting an SMS code within 1 hour has been reached (the default is 5). If required, ATOM Mobility can increase this value to any other value (internal setting name - REQUEST_PHONE_CODE_UNIQUE_LIMIT_PER_HOUR);
11-x - If x is 1,2,3, or 5, the user is blocked since he uses a VPN or TOR network connection. If x is 4 or 6, then the IP address country is not allowed based on your System Preferences;
12 - If a specific device ID tries to request more than 5 SMS codes within 1 hour, then ATOM Mobility also blocks it. The setting of the limit can be changed and is related to the error code 10 setting (see above);
13 - This is an extra functionality error code. In case the client has whitelisted countries of the internal setting - SMS_PHONE_PREFIX_WHITELIST - and the user's phone prefix is not on this list, then ATOM Mobility blocks all customers if the limit for this internal setting SMS_NONE_WHITELIST_LIMIT_PER_HOUR is reached within 1 hour;
13-1 - In the case of error code 13, the merchant has whitelisted some countries, but the limit per hour is 0, so this error will be shown;
14 - SMS Verification provider is not set in ATOM Mobility system settings.
The error codes below are provider-specific. Scroll down the list to find your specific provider, and then look up the corresponding error code to check the description further.
15 - Unable to receive JSON data from the server of;
16 - The response from Twilio does not have a "status" field included;
17 - Twilio returned status 400, 403, and 422 (not currently reachable via SMS or MMS). Globally this means that Twilio blocked verification creation attempts;
18 - Twilio returned a 429 status code, which means the limit of requests has been reached;
19 - Twilio returned a 401 status code. Usually, it means that the merchant's balance on Twilio is empty;
20 - Twilio returned any other not-mentioned error before;
21 - Twilio integration crashed on ATOM Mobility side due to an unexpected flow.
22 - The Unifonic server is not reachable or has crashed;
23 - Not able to receive JSON data from the server;
24 - Unifonic returned any other "errorCode" in the response.
25 - LSIM is not configured fully on ATOM Mobility side;
26 - LSIM API request crashed;
27 - LSIM returned an error;
27-1 - LSIM returned error code 102, which means an incorrect phone number;
28 - LSIM JSON response contains unexpected data.
Route Mobile
29 - Route mobile is not configured fully on ATOM Mobility side;
30 - Route mobile API request crashed;
31 - Route mobile API returned an error;
32 - An error was returned because the status was not equal to "1701" (success).
33 - TurboSMS is not configured fully on ATOM Mobility side;
34 - The API request crashed;
35 - API request timeout;
36 - API request connection reset error;
37 - The API request returned any other unexpected error;
38 - JSON data was not returned from the API request;
39 - API request returned an unprocessed error code in "response_code."
40 - The Dexatel template was not found for the SMS;
41 - API request crashed;
42 - Not able to load JSON data from the response;
43/xxx - Error from Dexatel where xxx is replaced with this error;
43-1/xxx - Limit error from Dexatel where xxx is replaced with this error;
43-2/xxx - Country not supported error from Dexatel where xxx is replaced with this original Dexatel error;
43-3/xxx - Incorrect phone error from Dexatel where xxx is replaced with this original Dexatel error.
44 - Eskiz configuration is incomplete on ATOM system side;
45 - Eskiz API request crash;
46 - The phone number according to Eskiz is invalid;
47 - generic error from Eskiz;
48 - Eskiz did not return an access token when ATOM system passed the merchant's username and password. Most probably the username or password is incorrect or has been changed by the merchant. Please ask the merchant to confirm the current username and password for their Eskiz account.