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Duplicate apps for other countries
Duplicate apps for other countries

If you wish to have your app but with different logo and global settings

Written by Liene Brokane
Updated over a week ago

In case you decide to expand to another country, but would like to have different branding (logo/name) and/or global rules, you would need to have duplicate apps of your existing ones.

Why do I need to duplicate existing apps and can't just create a subaccount and customize it instead?
A subaccount is part of your global account, meaning that all subaccounts will have the same system preferences (for example, business hours, payment method, referral program settings etc.). The duplicate account would be separate and would let you set up everything differently from the existing account, including the logo, app name etc.

What are the disadvantages of this approach?
It might be more difficult to manage if you are the only person supervising multiple global accounts. Additionally, the customer would need to download multiple apps as they wouldn't be able to have everything in one app in comparison to subaccounts.

Why this can be useful for you?
It can come in handy to have different apps and accounts when you are expanding to other countries as there is different legislation involved, for instance, in one country you can operate 24/7, but in another one only during the day time. Another example would be with cities if you are working with the city municipality and would like to have your branding, but a local personalization for each municipality.

What would be the price for duplicating your apps?
Please reach out to Support team in order to clarify your individual pricing:

Note that it will be lower than the initial setup fee for your apps, as you are already an existing customer and when the account gets duplicated slight modifications are done on ATOM side. Please note that there will still be a one-time set-up fee and a min.monthly fee.

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