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How to charge a customer with a debt on their wallet?
How to charge a customer with a debt on their wallet?

Automatic and manual methods to charge a debtor for your service

Written by ATOM Support
Updated over 5 months ago

There are a few options of charging a debtor on your ATOM platform:

  • Automatic debtor charging - this feature charges debtors on an automatic, fixed schedule - after a ride immediately, then after 1h if the first charge attempt was not successful, after 24h, after 5 days and after 10 days from the moment the debitor has finished their ride. This is managed by ATOM system automatically and does not need any configurations additionally. Note that this schedule cannot be customized.

  • Manual debtor charging via your ATOM dashboard - in the Customers section you are able to search for the customer, open their profile click on Settings, choose Charge Money:

Select Charge ... EUR option below to attempt to charge the customer's card added in the app for the exact amount of their debt:

Or you can also try and charge less (custom amount) if the full debt charge was not successful, as the client might have some balance on their card:

  • to mass-charge your debtors, filter them our in the Customers section of your dashboard and afterwards select the Charge all option on the top right-hand side:

  • you can also try charging the customer directly through your payment gateway merchant account - for instructions on how to do it, please reach out to your payment gateway provider for further support.

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