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Driver's balance functionality

How driver's balance is managed on the Ride-hailing platform

Written by ATOM Support
Updated over a week ago

Cash Payments directly to Drivers

Upon setting up your ride-hailing business, you can decide whether you want to receive also cash payments alongside card/wallet payments. This can be defined in More -> System Preferences -> Payments:

Defining this as a global parameter will enable you to use an additional setting in each driver's profile, allowing you to determine if this particular driver may or may not accept cash payments for a customer's ride:

In the driver's export, you will see a report for each driver on how much money was received for rides via card and how much in cash.

In some countries, this allows you to comply with local regulations that have strict guidelines on how drivers may collect ride payments in cash and card. In some countries, drivers can only handle rides paid for online.

Driver's Balance General Functionality

To monitor the driver's earnings from commission and cash payments, you can enable the driver's balance in More -> System Preferences -> Other:

Every commission earned will be automatically added to the Driver's Balance, and every cash payment will be automatically reduced. The general balance formula is simple: the sum of all commissions the driver made for the period minus how much the driver received from customers in cash.

You can also add or reduce balance manually from the dashboard.

You can monitor the changes in the driver's balance in the dashboard:

Driver's Balance and Cash Payments

Allowing drivers to accept cash payments offers flexibility but also significant risks, increasing the chances of fraudulent activity.

To prevent this and grant our merchants more control and security over their business, Atom Mobility's driver balance feature plays a crucial role in maintaining business stability and reducing potential fraudulent activities by drivers.

The driver will need to add funds to his driver wallet following the balance requirement you define in his profile:

Unless sufficient balance is added to the driver's wallet, the driver cannot accept any cash payments from his customers.

The balance will gradually reduce upon the driver's acceptance of cash rides. Once the driver reaches the defined balance amount, he will be limited in accepting cash rides.

Driver can also have an overview of his earnings in the app in Earnings:

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