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Anadue fleet analytics
Anadue fleet analytics

What is Anadue fleet analytics and how can it help you optimize your fleet management costs?

Written by ATOM Support
Updated over a year ago

Anadue is an analytics provider that offers a range of solutions to solve the most urgent challenge facing shared micromobility operators today - maximizing profit through the optimal management of fleet, workforce, and customers, using a feed of data on the location, status and trips taken, and converting this data in valuable insights to help manage your fleet more profitably.

1. Dynamic pricing "Pathfinder"

Pathfinder dynamic pricing feature lets you maximize fleet utilization and get more revenue. It offers the tools to build your business and increase profits, with advanced analysis of the data you have, enabling you to make the right decisions and reach the best conclusions.

Dynamic pricing is based on:

  • long parking duration for a specific vehicle;

  • predicted parking duration for vehicles in an area;

  • time periods;

  • weather;

  • distance to significant places of interest;

  • combinations of the above.

How it works:

  • Together with Anadue you will set different pricing options as vehicle types, e.g.:

• Tariff 1: €1 unlock, €0.15 per minute

• Tariff 2: €0.50 unlock, €0.15 per minute

• Tariff 3: €0.00 unlock, €0.10 per minute

  • Based on the 6 potential rules, Anadue automatically switches the vehicle from one tariff to another;

  • To influence customer behavior, different icons are used on the map to draw attention to discounted rides. Typically different icons are used for the vehicles on the rider app. You can use ATOM default icons for this or use your custom ones.

Monitoring dynamic pricing is done via reporting that provides insights on number of rides taken, fleet utilization, distribution of trip start and end locations & when trips were taken.

2. Operations insights dashboard "CitySmarts"

Anadue helps operators give local municipalities direct access to detailed data on the trips taken on your fleet to enable the city government to measure and monitor the benefits being delivered to local residents and businesses. This helps you win tenders.

Anadue’s analytics enable efficient operations by providing KPIs per city and across your entire fleet, ensuring you have the optimum number of vehicles in each location and remain compliant with any local restrictions on placed vehicles.

Data available includes:

• Number of trips;

• Total distance traveled;

• Carbon emissions saved;

• Average trip distance;

• Average trip duration.

Trip activity:

• Maximum vehicles available;

• Total number of trips;

• Average distance per trip;

• Average duration per trip.

Reports available:

Location analysis - lets you quickly see the most popular start and end points of all trips in the selected time period. This can be used to adjust the service area, optimize the size of parking bays or understand how special events affect the distribution of journeys (e.g. crowds attending a football match);

Insights - detailed breakdown of when trips occur, so you can determine usage on working days vs. weekends and see if there are peaks at morning and evening commute times in order to help you create better targeted marketing campaigns and increase ride amounts during less busy times of the day and week;

Origin/destination analysis - shows how start and end points are connected on a trip by trip basis;

Last Mile – shows the number of parking events close to public transport locations (e.g. bus stops and train stations). This gives an overview of the popularity of shared micromobility as part of a multi-mode public transport journey.

3. Task automation for operations "Pathfinder Operations"

Pathfinder Operations provides you with the data which helps to build efficient operations, ensuring your fleet has the optimal number of vehicles with correct positioning and that they are available to rent. Automate the allocation of jobs to street teams and other employees.

Major features:

• Fleet Rebalancing;

• Fleet Utilisation & Availability;

• Maintenance Benchmarking.

Default Pathfinder reports for operator support:

Predictive Rebalancing - information needed to collect vehicles where supply exceeds demand, and move them to locations where demand exceeds supply.

Current Fleet Status - up-to-date view of the health of your entire global fleet for each city - how many vehicles are available to ride, how many are in maintenance, how many have low battery, etc.

Utilisation Dashboard - easy method to measure and track fleet utilisation over time and compare different locations.

KPI Trends - history of KPIs generated which can be reported to highlight important trends in your business. For example, fleet size, % of available fleet that was used (or idle) in previous 48-hours, utilisation of the fleet etc.

Fleet Battery Level - distribution of battery charge across your fleet, highlighting how well your operations teams are performing battery swaps/charging tasks.

Inactive Vehicle Report - identifies vehicles that have not been used for several days and which should be prioritised for investigation to return them to a revenue generating mode.

Average Parking Duration - shows you the average parking duration for vehicles in an area and gives you a good indication of how well your street teams are matching supply and demand.

Operations Overview Report - allows to see at a glance the level of operations activities and the efficiency of operational activities. This provides evidence of activity level by fleet maintenance teams to repair, rebalance and recharge the fleet.

Operational Action Map - shows at a glance where your street teams have been working on all or some specific operational actions. This can be used to monitor and optimise your operational teams, optimise the locations of warehouses and workshops, compare the reliability of different vehicle types and understand in more detail the distribution of each type of activity.

Trends Report - provides additional insights into the activities of the operational teams, specifically, the number of activities they perform each day and the ratio of rental trips to operational activities.
# Vehicles going IN / Out of Maintenance - shows you the quantity of vehicles going in and out of maintenance status to confirm whether a backlog is growing, with increasing numbers of vehicles being unavailable to ride, or whether your maintenance teams are making good progress getting through jobs are returning vehicles to the streets.

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