Your clients have an option in your apps to reserve a vehicle prior to starting their ride -
this ensures that they can get to the vehicle in time and it will meanwhile not be taken by another customer.
The reservation option in the app looks like a small clock next to Start the ride button:
You can customize the reservation time in your dashboard under More -> Settings -> System preferences -> Other:
Note that the reservation time for the client is free of charge - they start paying for the ride once they get to the vehicle and start the ride in the app.
ATOM has two parameters in our system for reservations currently:
1) Max. minutes for one reservation;
2) Max. allowed interval between reservations if this reservation is not used. Currently it is 720 minutes.
The above means that a client can make two reservations per day if he does not use the vehicle afterwards. If he reserves and uses the vehicle, then the second restriction is not enforced and he can reserve and ride more.