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How to use Analytics section with operational statistics, KPIs and heatmaps to increase the performance of your fleet

Written by ATOM Support
Updated over 6 months ago

Analytics section in your ATOM dashboard is a great resource for information and insights into your business performance and suggestions on better fleet utilization.

Analytics consists of three tabs: Statistics, KPIs and Heatmaps.

Below you will find more information on each one.


This is a tab showing your operational statistics. You are able to select a specific subaccount (in case you are operating in multiple locations) and view operational information about it separately. If you select the Global view, you will be able to see more information about the whole business:

You can filter out specific timeframes, vehicle models & subscription types on the top of the page as shown on the screenshot below:

After you have made your selection, make sure to confirm your selection by pressing Apply filter.

You are able to sort information per rides, registrations, total distance, unique riders, active subscribers and others in the data section. The graph and an information table illustrate the statistics for iOS, Android and Total users of your application:

In the info table you are able to see information about the rides:

  • Total ride distance in km;

  • Total ride duration in days;

  • Average ride distance in km;

  • Average ride duration in minutes;

  • Ride costs including add-ons;

  • Ride costs excluding add-ons;

  • Rides made using the subscription;

  • Average amount of rides per subscription;

  • Average ride price;

  • Average ride rating.

Information regarding your customers:

  • Users who are registered to your app;

  • Unique riders - who were the most active during selected period;

  • Users who are subscribed to your marketing emails;

  • Users who are unsubscribed from your marketing emails;

  • Users who uploaded their ID documents;

  • Which language users are using the most in your apps.

Information about finances:

  • Remaining wallet balance on users accounts;

  • Top-up amounts done during the specific time frame (note that card verification fees are added here too);

  • Bonuses provided for your users;

  • Add-on purchases in case you enabled add-ons for your services.

You can also export this statistical data if you want to have it on your computer in CSV and XLSX format on the right side of the page as shown on the picture below:


KPI section is designed to provide you a quick glance into the performance of your fleet and compare it to industry benchmark data.

How does it work?

  • every day the system checks how many vehicles are in the status Available;

  • even if the vehicle is in Available status for a few minutes, it will be added to the available vehicles count;

  • if the vehicle status in status is Available for a few days, it will be added as an available vehicle to each day;

  • NB! If the vehicle's status hasn't been changed at all for over 14 days, it will be excluded from the calculation of the KPI;

  • calculation happens when you open KPI section or change filters in the KPI section;

  • days are based on the subaccount time zone or global account time zone (based on the filter used).


Heatmaps section is aimed at giving you an overview of which areas where you operate are heavier on customer traffic (where app is opened, ride is started and ended), so you can use this information to rebalance your fleet more efficiently.

Info for heatmaps is calculated based on the following principles:

  • there are 10 predefined colors from ATOM side for the heatmap hexagons - each hexagon has a number assigned to it;

  • we check what the largest number is we see from your statistics, assume it's the maximum value, hexagon is coloured as deep red;

  • for example, let's assume that the maximum is 500. We divide it by 10 and in this way determine that the colour changes after the next 50 units to the next hexagon shade (lighter red), and so on - we repeat this for each colour.

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