If the customer has a positive or zero balance on the app wallet of his profile, the option to delete payment card is visible. There are two places within the app where it can be done:
By default customers can delete their card in the profile section. If the user decides to delete their card, there is an automatic message shown to double-check if he has not clicked the button by mistake:
NB! In case the rider has a debt (negative balance) on his app wallet, we will automatically hide this option until the debt is paid.
2. Depending on your payment gateway, the payment card can also be deleted from the wallet section, by clicking on Add/Edit payment cards. This is, for example, possible on Stripe:
Note that ATOM does not provide the possibility to hide the option to delete payment card completely. According to our market research it's the most user-friendly approach for the end-users while minimizing risks to our clients.