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In-App Messages

How to start using OneSignal’s in-app message feature for more customer engagement

Written by ATOM Support
Updated over 2 weeks ago

OneSignal’s in-app messaging feature is a great tool to deliver important messages to your clients. It offers an additional level of engagement when users have your app open.

Using in-app messaging, you can encourage new users to start using your service, drive conversions with personalized offers, educate users, implement surveys to collect user feedback, request app store ratings, request referrals, and much more.

Apart from in-app messages to end-users, ATOM offers in-app messaging for driver apps, enabling seamless communication for ride-hailing merchants with customized driver apps. This feature is available on the Standard plan, enhancing driver engagement and operational efficiency.

Here is how you can set up in-app messages:

  1. Open OneSignal’s dashboard and click on New Message and then New In-App:

  2. Name your message and choose either Block Editor or HTML Editor depending on how you want to design your message.

    In this example we will use Block Editor.

  3. Design your message. There are several options from which you can choose - you can add text, images and buttons with click ability, meaning that users can be redirected to the provided URL.

  4. When you have designed your message, scroll down to the Triggers section. Choose “When certain conditions are satisfied during the session” and click on Add Trigger. Choose In-app Trigger.

  5. In Key’s field, type screen. As for Value, enter the name of the screen where you wish this message to be displayed. All available screen names are provided at the bottom of this article. You can choose any of them.
    For this example we will use profile.

  6. Set other settings according to your preferences. For example, whether you want this message to be shown to every user just once or every time they enter the Profile screen. Or only show this message for a specific time:

  7. When you are done, either save it as Draft or choose Make Message Live to publish it instantly.
    In this example we will make a message live.

If you open your application and go to Profile Screen via left menu, your message will be shown.

NB! Please note that if the customer's phone uses VPN and/or AdBlock, the OneSignal in-app messages will not work!

NB! Please note that if the app is opened, changes do not take effect immediately. For example, if one in-app message is paused and a new one for another screen is created, in the app the user will first still see the initial in-app message in the initial screen while not seeing the newly created in-app message in the new screen. This is intentional behaviour as per OneSignal. For changes to take effect, the user must close the app and wait 30 seconds and then re-open it again.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate and contact our support by writing to

Available Screen Names for Customer app:

sign_up - The screen where a user registers a new user account.

alternative_sign_up - The screen where a user registers a new user account or signs up using Apple ID or Google account.

log_in - The screen where users log in via their phone number if they already have an account.

share - Main screen for Share flow where users see maps, zones, available vehicles etc.

ride - Main screen for Ride Hailing flow where users can request taxis for their trip.

rent - Main screen for Rental flow where users can book cars and other vehicles.

wallet - The screen for the user's wallet. Accessible via the left menu.

promo_code - The screen for adding promo codes (accessible via wallet screen).

subscriptions - Subscription screen. Accessible via the left menu.

share_history - Ride history screen in the left menu for Share Flow.

ride_history - Ride history screen in the left menu for Ride Hailing Flow.

rent_history - Ride history screen in the left menu for Rental Flow.

support - Support screen. Accessible via the left menu.

share_tutorial - Tutorial screen for Share flow.

rent_tutorial - Tutorial screen for Rental Flow.

share_short_tutorial - Short tutorial screen for Sharing Flow.

rent_short_tutorial - Short tutorial screen for Rental Flow.

pre_ride_questionnaire - Optional questionnaire triggered before the customer's first ride on the platform.

profile - User’s profile screen. Accessible via the left menu.

fleet - Fleet screen. Accessible via the left menu.

invite - The screen where users can invite friends and get free rides.

feedback- The feedback screen which users see when they complete their ride.

Available Screen Names for Customized Driver app (ride-hail):

log_in - The screen where user logins by typing email and password.

map - Main map screen.

ride_summary - The screen where user sees ride summary when it is ended.

profile - Profile screen.

account - Account information screen where you can view your account info.

earnings - Earnings screen for a driver.

scheduled_rides_all - Scheduled rides screen for driver (ALL tab).

scheduled_rides_selected - Scheduled rides screen for driver (SELECTED tab).

scheduled_ride_detail - Ride detail screen for scheduled rides.

completed_orders - Completed orders screen for driver where driver views past rides.

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