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Migrating to ATOM from another service
Migrating to ATOM from another service
Written by ATOM Support
Updated over 7 months ago

In case you already operate vehicle-sharing on another platform, there are a few steps that need to be taken care of in advance of ATOM launching your service.

Below you'll find an action summary with tentative deadlines and afterwards more detailed explanations on each segment:

Migrations tasks

How to do it



Customer migration export for test (couple of customers at least)

Extract from your current platform all possible information about at least few customers to allow us understand pattern for customer migration.

Waiting test export

Day 7

All customers export from your current platform

Provide us all customers export from your current platform right before you are planning to migrate in latest working day.

Waiting full export

Day 19

Try to find a way to match your current customer export with your payment gateway customer list to leave all saved cards in new platform.

Ideally we need to know your payment gateway "cus_****" ID in this customer export (other vehicle sharing platforms usually know this, but not sure if they allow to export this field), so we can migrate payment gateway customer into our system. If payment gateway "cus_****" ID will not be in current export file then we need to check exported file and try to find another way to match exported Customer with payment gateway Customer.

Waiting test export to make next decisions

Day 9

IoT - IoT migration

ATOM provides IP and PORT for customer's IoT model or sets up webhooks accoridngly. ATOM provides example IoT import file.

ATOM to provide details for IoT connection: ...

Day 10

IoT import in dashboard to make sure IoT is sending any signal to our server and to allow create vehicle and select this IoT for further tests

IoT must be imported in dashboard by client using our example import file or filled manually.

Waiting client for IoT import.

Day 12

Vehicle migration (only after IoT import) to make sure vehicle reacts on IoT commands

ATOM provides example import file that customer can use for mass upload afterwards.

Waiting for confirmation if the IoT commands are working.

Day 14

iOS app migration

Do we need to overwrite existing app?

Waiting decision what to do with app

Day 10

Android app

Do we need to overwrite existing app or create a sepearated app in Google Play? If yes then Google Play must manage your app signing key. This can ONLY be done by Android developer of current app in Setup > App integrity > App signing. If Android developer will not do this then only option is to create a sepearated app in Google Play. If Android developer will do this then you will be able to ask Google Support to reset key and then after about 3-6 days we will be able to overwrite exising app.

Waiting decision what to do with app

Day 8

*in order to migrate you to ATOM, please observe the deadlines, otherwise we cannot migrate you in full within 20 days of standard launch time

Mobile apps

iOS app is possible to overwrite from ATOM side, so the end-users will just need to update the app and login into the new app afterwards.

Android app can be overwritten only if the previous developers provide the Google Play signing key in Google Play dashboard to let Google manage "App signing" by themselves.

In case Google manage "App signing" by themselves, then you can ask Google Support to reset the key. After approx. one week Google will reset the key and then Android app can be overwritten.

Alternatively we can launch separate new Android app and delete the old app.

If the previous developers are unable to provide the app signing key, there are two possible ways to proceed:

1. In case app signing is managed by Google, you will need to request Google to reset this key and after this ATOM will able to overwrite the app. If the key can be reset, then ATOM developers can overwrite the app;

2. If the key cannot be reset, then the previous developers need to delete the app from Google Play store.

In case you wish to test mobile apps in advance of publishing them, let ATOM know, so we can provide you with Android APK file and upload the iOS app to your Android developer Testflight section.

Payment system

Let ATOM know which payment system you currently use.

ATOM has payment integrations with Stripe (+ Apple Pay, Google Pay, Bancontact), Adyen (+ PayPal, Klarna), Checkout, Hyperpay, Swedbank, Bambora, Concord, Kushki, Flutterwave, Expressbank, PUMB, LiqPay, Klix, Exezine, First Atlantic bank.

If you use any of the above already, we can check if your current payment system information can be migrated.

You will need to invite to your live payment system account.

In case you wish to test how the customer payment info migration works, provide a test file with information of one user, we will upload it in the system and you will be afterwards able to check if the information uploaded is accurate.

Customer information

Extract your current customer information from your platform and provide to ATOM a .csv file with customer names, phone numbers, email addresses and wallet amounts, so ATOM can upload this information in the system.

In case you wish to test how the customer migration works, provide a test file with information of one user, we will upload it in the system and you will be afterwards able to check if the information uploaded is accurate.

IoT device information

As ATOM will open a dedicated server for your service on our platform, you will need to update the IP and PORT in your IoT devices. Your IoT manufacturer/provider may have an option to update the IP and PORT remotely, so you will need to clarify this with them or connect ATOM support team with your account manager on the IoT manufacturer/provider side.

Alternatively, you will need to reconfigure each IoT device with a new IP and PORT via your IoT manufacturer's Bluetooth app. For this purpose you will also need to contact them in order to obtain the app and instructions on the process.

In case you are using Segway or Comodule IoT devices (with Segway API and Comodule API), then provide to ATOM your Segway and Comodule platform access, so we can reconfigure your webhooks.

Vehicle information

Vehicle information can be imported in bulk as a .csv file, example of file structure below:

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