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How to use the ATOM dashboard in any other language?
How to use the ATOM dashboard in any other language?

Here is a step by step instruction on how to use Google Translate extension to translate ATOM dashboard to any language:

Written by Liene Brokane
Updated over a week ago

  1. On your computer open Google Chrome web browser. If you use other browser you can download Chrome from here:

  2. Open this link to install Google Translate Extension:

  3. Click "Add to Chrome" button and then "Add extension":

  4. Refresh Google Chrome;

  5. Open ATOM Dashboard and login as usual;

  6. Click on Google Translate icon in right upper corner (in some Chrome versions it is hidden under "puzzle peace" icon):

7. Select Google Translate and then click Translate this page:

8. You will be able to change languages using top bar and ATOM Dashboard will be translated to selected language:

How to edit the language:

  1. Click on the right corner icon that is similar to puzzle peace called "Extensions"

  2. Click "Manage extensions"

  3. Find Google Translate and click “details”

  4. Click “Extension options”

  5. Change your primary language from English to the one you would like to use

  6. Click save

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