PayPal via Adyen:
You will need to perform certain actions from your side in your Adyen dashboard now and afterwards log into your PayPal account and reach out to their support as well.
Firstly, perform the below actions in your Adyen dashboard -
Log in to your live Customer Area.
Switch to your merchant account.
Go to Account > Payment methods.
Select Request payment methods.
Start entering the name of the payment method, then select it from the drop-down list.
Select Submit.
You can also follow the video on How To Add A New Payment Method in Adyen here:
Additionally, make sure that your live web link to Terms and Conditions has been added here:
Secondly, please reach out to PayPal support via your Paypal account -
Inform Paypal that you're using Adyen and would like to have PayPal recurring payments via Adyen enabled.
To ensure sufficient permissions for PayPal transactions via Adyen are granted proceed as follows:
Log in to PayPal with your live Business account.
Follow PayPal's instructions on granting third party permissions.
For Third Party Permission Username, use
Under Permissions, select the following boxes:Use Express Checkout to process payments.
Issue a refund for a specific transaction.
Process your shopper's credit or debit card payments.
Authorize and capture your PayPal transactions.
Obtain information about a single transaction.
Obtain authorization for pre-approved payments and initiate pre-approved transactions.
Generate consolidated reports for all accounts, if available in your region.
Use Express Checkout to process mobile payments, if you plan on supporting mobile payments.
If you're using PayPal for recurring payments, also select the following boxes:
Charge an existing customer based on a prior transaction.
Create and manage Recurring Payments.
If you're using MassPay, also select the following boxes:
Obtain your PayPal account balance.
Initiate transactions to multiple recipients in a single batch.
Let ATOM support know once you have feedback from PayPal about having PayPal recurring payments successfully enabled - by default this functionality is disabled for your service in the ATOM backend until you can confirm back to ATOM that PayPal has made the necessary adjustments for you.
NB! In case your payment gateway is Stripe, not Adyen, unfortunately you will not be able to use PayPal in your mobile apps due to the fact that Stripe is not integrated with PayPal.