It is the standard practice at ATOM to publish your mobile apps on your own Google Play and App Store accounts which grants you as a customer more freedom and decision rights regarding your own apps going forward.
However, there may be rare exceptional cases when you're unable to create your own Google Play and/or App Store account (for example, due to a missing DUNS number) and ATOM is required to help you further in order not to delay publishing your apps.
In this case ATOM can use the ATOM App Store account and publish your iOS app (similarly, Android app on ATOM's Google Play account) there and start the preparation of your service platform without further delay.
Pros of publishing your apps on ATOM:
In this case ATOM ends up covering the Apple and Google fees.
Cons of publishing your apps on ATOM:
ATOM will show up as the publisher of your apps on App Store and Google Play.
You will not be able to update the name, descriptions, screenshots etc. of your apps by yourself and will need to reach out to ATOM each time changes are required. Updating this information can take from 3 to 14 days time.
Therefore ATOM highly recommends publishing your apps on your own Google Play and App Store accounts in order to have more control for your apps.
Guidance on how to invite ATOM to your own App Store and Google Play account below: