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How to add IoTs and vehicles

Step-by-step instructions for adding IoT devices and vehicles. Bulk IoT device and vehicle upload

Written by ATOM Support
Updated over 3 years ago

To be able to view and manage your fleet in the ATOM Dashboard, you first need to add your vehicles in the system:

1) start by adding all your IoT devices here:

Click Add new IoT:

Fill in the fields requested (see more info below):

- IMEI is the most critical part;

- Phone prefix is the country code, for example, +371. It depends on what SIM card you use (usually, full phone numbers are visible on the SIM cards). You can also just type +1, this is not critical;

- Phone number is the phone number of the SIM card you use. You can also just leave 123 or enter the real phone number of the particular SIM card.

Phone prefix and phone number are used in case you want to send commands to vehicles over SMS and not over the internet for some reason (most customers do not use SMS commands, so this is optional and serves as a back-up option).;

- Battery level. Leave this field empty in most cases.

- Subaccount. Choose subaccount to which you want to assign the particular IoT device;

- Notes. You can add any note, for example, "this is a test device" in case you want to identify this IoT device faster later on;

- Custom ID. Optional and used only for Comodule IoT devices since they have an additional parameter - ID.

- Choose "Integrated" in most cases. Non-integrated IoT are "stand-alone" and are not connected to anything (for example, remote personal GPS /animal tracker is not integrated);

- Allow TCP commands. TCP commands are commands that are sent over the internet. If you leave this turned OFF, then the commands will be sent via SMS;

Alternatively, for adding information about multiple IoT devices in one go, you have the ability to create a .csv file listing all the relevant information and then uploading it to the ATOM dashboard:

The following example shows how to structure the columns in your mass upload file (.xlsx or .csv format):

2) Once all IoT devices are added, you will see that the "Last update" parameter is updated and shows "X min ago". It may take 5-10 min the first time to establish the connection. If you do not see this change in 10+ min, then double-check if the IoT manufacturer set up the right IP, PORT and APN number.

3) Once you have an established connection with the IoT device, you can add vehicles. Add a new vehicle here:

Click Add Vehicle:

Fill in the fields requested (see more info below):

- Vehicle No. This will be shown to your users and should be unique for each vehicle. The entry can consist of numbers and letters. Good examples are T0001, T0002 for Tesla and S0001, S0002 for scooters. It will help you to identify vehicle models easier later on. You can also use simple numeric Vehicle numbers, such as 1001, 1002 etc.

- Status. There are different statuses for vehicles and they are used for different purposes. Once you set up vehicles choose Not ready and when you tested connection you can set Available (this is when vehicles will be visible in app);

- Model. Choose the model that you want to assign to this vehicle. You can create different models here:

- Manual lock. Leave empty if your vehicle does not have additional manual lock with code on it.

- IoT. Select the IoT device that is attached to a specific vehicle. In other words "pair them" in the dashboard and make sure they are "paired" in real life too;

- Subaccount. Choose subaccount to which you want to assign particular vehicle.

Alternatively, for adding information about multiple vehicles in one go, you have the ability to create a .csv file listing all the relevant information and then uploading it to the ATOM dashboard:

The following example shows how to structure the columns in your mass upload file (.xlsx or .csv format):

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