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Zone maintenance

How to maintain different zones for your app. Zone types explained

Written by ATOM Support
Updated over a week ago

You can set up different zones in your dashboard, and these will show up in the mobile apps accordingly.

You can maintain different zones by going to More section in the Dashboard and choosing the preferred zone type:

For example, let's choose to create a new parking zone.

Choose Parking zone, click Add new zone button:

You will be asked to choose one or multiple vehicle models for which this new zone will apply and afterwards click Save:

A blank new zone will be created where you can switch between Map and Satellite view at your own convenience:

Click the button on the top right-hand side and from the drop-down choose Add polygon:

You will be able to free-hand draw a polygonal zone in your chosen location. Use zoom-in and zoom-out buttons on the bottom right-hand side to toggle the map view if needed.

The finished zone will show up color-filled and afterwards you can choose to add a custom title for it and edit any other details necessary on the top right-hand side:

For example, the zone settings allow you to add a zone name (for example, you can set this as the area, city or country name) specify if this zone should be visible in the app and available to your customers all the time or only on specific days of the week and time frames:

NB! Be sure to add a zone title at least in one parking zone that you've defined (in case you use more than one subaccount, we advise to have a title in one parking zone per subaccount) - this will ensure that customers will be able to see names of the areas/cities/countries where you operate, especially when they zoom out the map in the mobile app and the zones are not seen, only the zone titles.

NB! When creating zones, you might receive an error if at least one point in the polygon is intersecting in the zone or zone borders overlap.

NB! Note that if you update your zoning and save your changes, your app will need to be reloaded in order to see the updated zoning.

Below you will find a detailed explanation for each zone:

Parking zone - general zone where users can ride within the vehicle model limits and maximum speed. Create one large zone and then additional smaller zones if these are outside the larger parking zone. Users can park vehicles inside these zones. It is possible to ride past the border of a parking zone.

It's possible to turn on the option to Allow ending a ride outside a parking zone - in that case the system will allow to end a ride everywhere expect No parking zones and No-go zones.

If the option to Allow ending a ride outside a parking zone is turned off - in that case the system will allow to only end a ride in Parking zones and Bonus zones.

Paid parking zone - a parking zone that has a fixed fee of your choosing applied in addition to the regular ride costs if the customer ends their ride in this zone. The fee can be indicated in the settings for each paid parking zone.

Parking stations - informative "P" pins that you can place on the map in order to give your customers advice on where they should park. Customer app has a filter for showing/hiding these parking stations:

Charging stations - specifically for services that use physical docking stations (duckt (Acton) or Knot, for example). To add the station you would need to fill out the information like station model, location and to which subaccount it would be connected to.

No parking zone - it is not possible to finish a ride in a no parking zone (the option will be disabled in the app while the user is in this zone).

Speed limit zone - here you can indicate the maximum speed when riding inside this zone. You can also assign a specific vehicle model to a specific speed limit zone.

Bonus zone - if the users end rides in this zone, they will get a bonus. In case the user is charged after the ride, the bonus is received before the ride is charged. It means the user will be charged -x% of bonus set. Example, a bonus is set to 10% of the ride price, cost per ride 4 EUR, user is charged 3.60 EUR as 0.40 EUR was deducted as a bonus. In case the user rides using a bonus, their ride costs will be deducted from the bonus in full and afterwards they will receive the bonus zone bonus amount in their wallets.

No-go zone - if a vehicle is inside this zone we will try to turn off the engine or lock the vehicle if the engine off command is not available. If the vehicle is moved out of the no-go zone we will turn the vehicle back on.

Rebalancing zone - this is a zone for the Service app, designed to help operators have better visibility of where they need to transport and position the vehicles. Create rebalancing zones in the dashboard and they will be visible in the service app. Set the number of vehicles to be placed in a rebalancing zone and the vehicle count will automatically change once vehicles get placed in the zone. For more convenience you can also export rebalancing zone information in csv or xlsx format for reporting purposes and import multiple rebalancing zones at the same time in a csv file:

With the Import action you can also edit the existing rebalancing zones - first, do a zone export, then edit the vehicle number and coordinates if necessary and import the zones back. The system will recognize the already assigned rebalancing zone ID and update the information accordingly.

Our general advice is not to overcrowd your area of operations with too many zones. Inside your app, users will be able to tap on a zone and see a description about it. An example below:

Please try not to overlap zones unless you would like to overlap the bonus zone with a parking zone or speed limit zone or indicate a few no parking zones within a parking zone.

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