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Map Icons (Stations and Vehicles)
Written by ATOM Support
Updated over 2 months ago

Visuals like parking station pins and vehicle map icons are essential for enhancing user experience on sharing apps. They offer intuitive access to key information, helping users quickly find available vehicles and parking spots, thereby improving customer satisfaction.

In your app, apart from setting regular parking zones, you can also add parking pins in relevant locations.

The most popular use case is when there are many smaller parking zones and it is complicated for a customer to locate them and end the ride in the designated location. In this case you can locate a pin in the centre of the parking zone and enhance its visibility for customers.

Example (Dasboard view):

In the customer app, a filter on the bottom left of the app needs to be enabled first so the parking station pins will appear:

The parking station pins will appear automatically after the customer will start his ride.

To set up parking stations in your dashboard, navigate to More -> Parking stations and add a new one, or edit/delete the existing ones:

For further visualization, you can also have default or custom vehicle map icons. Those will be visible on the map when customer zooms in and looks for a vehicle.

If you have your own set of vehicle map icons, you can upload them in the dashboard. Navigate to More -> Personalization -> Vehicle Map Icons and follow the below steps to upload your own custom vehicle map icons:

Default scooter vehicle map icon example:

By default, when the customer zooms out the map, vehicle icons will switch into a dot view - to avoid making the map too busy with too many vehicle icons.


In case you wish to always show the vehicle map icons also on zoom out, reach out to for further assistance.

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